SEO Link Building – Your Ultimate Guide To Understanding Its Importance

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SEO Link Building – Your Ultimate Guide To Understanding Its Importance

One of the key objectives of putting up a website is driving traffic into it. Since the birth of the internet, several strategies have been used to meet this end but only some of them have offered long-term benefits. It’s not just about you 1 minutes of fame but a continuous inflow of visitors from the web. One of the most important strategies used by SEO experts has been link building but the technique also comes forth with its own set of unique challenges.

Link Building helps websites get external pages (they could be other websites, blogs, social platforms, etc) link to your website. Needless to say, the higher the quality of the link source, the more likely are you to get a healthy chunk of visitors from it. For instance, a link from a website like Wall Street Journal will certainly get you the required attention. However, at the same time, these high-quality links are very hard to come by, and further requires hard work and patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day and similarly, your website won’t get famous too soon.

What is SEO Link Building and why are they Still so Important?

Search Engines like Google use bots to crawl through the vast space that we know as the web. Using a sophisticated analysis technique, they discover relevant addresses to user queries. With link building, these bots will further determine whether the content in the source site is relevant to the link it attaches to itself and based on the same, it will rank the linked website. Search Engines like Google are constantly refining themselves to capture data relevant to the user query, such that the nuanced evaluation is ‘helpful’.

While link building isn’t everything that forms a part of a good SEO, it certainly can change the game for you on the internet. To start with, it is through link building that search engines will rank the most popular websites for a given query. Trustworthy websites with unique, fresh and relevant content are automatically visited more and are ranked higher than spammy backlinks.

SEO Link Building – The Process

Now that we realize the importance of link building, let’s take a look at how the process works.

Research Well on your audience

To generate credible backlinks, you should first understand the browsing preferences of your target audience. If your target audience follows a particular blog, you should come up with a content that is good enough to become a part of the same. Further, you should understand which websites, blogs and social platforms that your audience refers to. If you are trying to sell a startup, you should be aiming at blogs like Forbes and Huffington Post. If you are trying to sell a travel destination, blogs of CondeNast and Lonely Planet would be a good goal.

List Websites that appeal to your Desired Audience

As hinted before, you should have a good insight about the websites that your target audience chooses to visit and rely upon. If you are trying to guest post a travel blog on a local online news portal, with all kinds of content, it might not be very rewarding.

Produce Quality Content

To feature in high-quality blogs and website, the most important thing you need to have in place is a high-quality content that is relevant to their website. There should be enough impetus for the target website to publish your content along with the link to your website.

Match content to the website

You cannot just talk about a new pharmaceutical product in the blog of Lonely Planet unless it is relevant to travel. It is not just important but imperative that you come up with a content that is in line with the stories that the target blog features.

Content the website you would like to link your site

Once you are ready with your content, it is the time that you pitch your content to the targeted websites/blogs. You can contact by email (editor), over a web form (several websites have it for guest posts) or write directly to the editorial.

Once you are ready with your content, it is the time that you pitch your content to the targeted websites/blogs. You can contact by email (editor), over a web form (several websites have it for guest posts) or write directly to the editorial.

Power Source Media

If you have been able to succeed in guest posting your content in a high quality and authoritative website, it time that you use the power of social media to make it viral. Good stories need to be heard, especially when they have been accepted by top platforms that the target audience follows.

How to get other sites link to you?

It’s the same process that we talked above.

  • Content Creation and Promotion: High-quality content that organically links back to your website.
  • Submission: Submitting your story/blog/product to the relevant platforms.
  • Reviews and mentions: Though this depends on the end user, a good content also gets favorable mention and reviews.
  • Links from Friends and Partner: This is perhaps the best way your friends, colleagues, and partners can help spread the story through sharing on social media, their own blogs/websites and other channels.

Benefits of Having Link Building as a Growth

The average internet user of today knows where to find his/her answers. Link building facilitates putting forward your business in platforms that are most popular with your niche audience. It not just creates interest in your content but continuous performance might even take you to the top of the competition in your industry.

Link building takes a lot of time and patience. It is only when you stick to it continuously that the strategy seems to work. So, create good content and push it where you want to feature them!

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